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Digital Marketing

The Meta Gap

March 26, 2024

3 mins

Recent data confirms that despite Meta being the mainstay for marketers, it isn’t driving real ROI

In a tighter market than ever before, marketers are having to cut away the fat of excess spending, in order to focus efforts on the drivers of real ROI. 

But sometimes we can be too scared to slash at sacred cows, partly because we’re entrenched in the ways we’ve always done things, but also because it can seem like an unnecessary shift that might cause a disruption to your business. 

What Kind of Cow is Meta?

If we’re doing marketing cattle, Meta definitely has to fall into the sacred variety. It’s a monolithic beast that almost every marketer has spent their crucial advertising budgets on. But recently, it's not the reliable, low-cost platform that it used to be. 

Historically was an incredible way to drive new business, but that relied on their budget-friendly reach and clear targeting. But with changes to the market over time, those core benefits aren’t actually assured anymore, something that Data from HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report has unearthed…

The Data Doesn’t Lie

The report found that over 57% of marketers are currently using Facebook and 55% on Meta, to drive new inbound traffic. But only a third of those actually found it to be their key driver of ROI. 

That disparity is even bigger in other channels. Only 16% of marketers who were using X (Twitter) and LinkedIn actually saw their best ROI coming from those platforms. And the less said about platforms like Pinterest, the better, but the term holy cow comes to mind!

Why they’re Failing to Deliver

The fundamentals at play here are that these advertising platforms are hoovering up smart marketers’ budgets, but not actually delivering the results they promise. There’s three core reasons for this:

1) Fluctuating costs in programmatic advertising which have steadily creeped up year-on-year

2) The move towards more privacy-first legislation has left these businesses floundering in a sea of murky data, because they’ve not built upon a model that can thrive without intrusive practices 

3) The shift from a platform that ‘sort of does the job’ requires confidence that the next platform will be any different. 

Bankable results, baked into everything we do

All of which is fair enough. If you were thinking of ditching Meta to swap to something like Pinterest, that could be categorized as mildly unhinged behaviour. But FanFinders aren’t Meta, and we’re definitely not Pinterest either!

We build long-term partnerships with huge global brands because we do what the others simply can’t (or won’t do). We deliver ROI time and time again. It’s baked into the structure of every relationship we have. 

And whilst other platforms are vulnerable to scaling privacy legislation, we’ve been privacy-first since day one. That means we’ve exceeded data laws even before they were legal requirements. As such, our communities are built on ethical foundations that aren’t liable to fall apart on the dotted line of a new law.

Demystifying Results

We get that you’re not looking to completely overhaul the way you reach new customers overnight. But our bankable results can work in tandem with your other efforts, to help deliver real results without splurging your budgets and still missing the target. 

If it all sounds too good to be true, then call our bluff! We’re so confident in what we can offer that we guarantee to beat your cost from Facebook/IG/TikTok by 25% be it cost per lead, click or customer acquisition.*

Talk to one of our team today and open the door to a more reliable chapter for your marketing. Or for more information on this topic, why not download our full report on Facebook Advertising?


*Minimum campaign spend of $10k for comparison, proof of costs may be required

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